On Saturday, the action thriller film ‘Dhoom,’ starring Bollywood actors Abhishek Bachchan, John Abraham, Uday Chopra, and Esha Deol, became 17 years old. Yash Raj Films took to Twitter and uploaded a photo with the tagline, “Action, thrills, flair, and all things explosive! #Dhoom is turning 18 years old.” “an indefinite number of people can recall having dhoom as their favourite film as a teenager it’s a film that fueled our fascination with sports bikes, it’s been 18 years and things haven’t changed much, we’re all still Ali at heart, ” At the time, we were imagining complicated situations in our heads. the sheer existence of our crush,” Amazon Prime Video described as a reel video.
The film, produced by Yash Raj Films, was a box office success and was followed by ‘Dhoom: 2’ in 2006 and ‘Dhoom: 3’ in 2013.
“Two of my famous flicks, DHOOM becomes 18 today & NO ENTRY became 17 yesterday,” actress Esha Deol captioned a reel video as two of her films, ‘Dhoom’ and ‘No Entry,’ turned a year older. Time passes, but the love you all offer me grows. I had a great time portraying the feisty Sheena (Dilbara) in Dhoom, who turned me into your Dhoom Girl, and Pooja, the trusting wife in No entrance. Both of these personalities will always have a special place in my heart. The cast and crew of both of these films were a pleasure to work with, and the producers and directors of both films had a significant influence on shaping who I am today. I have nothing but love and appreciation for this being mine, and I want to thank my fans who still adore these films and characters. Many thanks and love.”