The Mumbai Police said on Sunday, June 5, that Bollywood star Salman Khan and his father Salim Khan had received a threat letter and that an investigation had been launched.
Last week on May 29, Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala was allegedly shot dead by associates of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, which once threatened Salman Khan in 2018.
Lawrence Bishnoi’s death threat against Salman Khan was linked to the 1998 black buck poaching case, in which Salman Khan was an accused. The Rajasthan High Court found him not guilty and declared him innocent.
According to reports from a media portal, Bandra Police have filed a complaint against unknown individuals. The letter containing threats was discovered by Salim Khan’s security staff.
According to police, every day, Salman Khan’s father goes for a morning jog as part of his daily routine, and there is a spot where he usually stops. A chit had been placed on the same bench. The letter also contained threats for both Salman and Salim Khan.
That letter said, “Moose Wala jaisa kar dunga.” According to reports, police are reviewing CCTV footage in the Bandstand area and questioning locals to determine who left the chit behind.