Excitement surged among fans as Alia Bhatt and Sharvari announced the title of their upcoming collaboration with Yash Raj Films, marking the first female-led venture in the acclaimed YRF Spy Universe. Directed by Shiv Rawail, the film titled “Alpha” was revealed through a teaser shared on Instagram, featuring Alia Bhatt’s voiceover detailing the significance of the title.
In the teaser, Alia describes Alpha as “the first letter in the Greek alphabet, and the motto of our program. The first, the fastest. The bravest.” The announcement also highlighted that filming for the eagerly anticipated project is currently underway.
The joint Instagram post by Alia Bhatt and Sharvari captioned, “It’s the time of the ALPHA.. Girls! 🔥 @shivrawail | @yrf | #YRFSpyUniverse,” further amplified the buzz surrounding the film.
The YRF Spy Universe, known for blockbuster hits like “Ek Tha Tiger” (2012) and “War” (2019), has been expanding its cinematic universe with star-studded entries. Alia Bhatt, fresh from her role in “Heart of Stone,” and Sharvari, known for her performances in “Munjya” and “Maharaj,” are set to bring a new dimension to the franchise with their roles as super agents in “Alpha.”