To celebrate Disha Patani’s 32nd birthday, the makers of the upcoming film “Kalki 2898 AD” unveiled her character poster as Roxie. The production house, Vyjayanthi Movies, took to Instagram to share the poster, extending warm birthday wishes to the actress.
In the poster, Disha exudes confidence, showcasing her toned physique in a monochrome outfit. She dons a black cropped leather jacket paired with a beige bralette, accentuated with waist garters, leather pants, and knee-high boots. The setting depicts her leaning against a doorway overlooking the deck of a ship, adding an element of intrigue to her character.
Accompanying the poster release was the revelation from the film’s trailer, dropped earlier, hinting at Disha’s involvement in intense action sequences in “Kalki 2898 AD.”
As anticipation builds for the film, Disha Patani’s portrayal as Roxie promises to bring depth and dynamism to the narrative, adding another layer of excitement for fans eagerly awaiting its release.