The Bollywood community united in grief as T-Series co-owner Krishna Kumar hosted a solemn prayer meet on July 23 to honor his daughter Tishaa Kumar, who tragically passed away at the tender age of 20 after a courageous battle with cancer. The gathering saw a heartfelt outpouring of support from industry stalwarts such as Rakesh Roshan, Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, Kartik Aaryan, and others, alongside musicians like Udit Narayan and Sonu Nigam, who shared a longstanding association with T-Series.
Sonu Nigam, visibly overwhelmed, struggled to maintain composure as he paid his final respects to Tishaa Kumar and offered condolences to her grieving father. An emotional moment captured on camera highlighted Nigam seeking solace in Krishna Kumar’s embrace, reflecting the deep bond and shared loss within the T-Series family.