Television actress Hina Khan, currently undergoing treatment for Stage Three breast cancer, posted a heartfelt update from Mumbai’s Kokilaben Hospital on Tuesday. In her Instagram story, she shared a picture with the caption, “Just another day.” Following this, she expressed her struggle with pain, stating, “Being constantly in pain. Yes, constantly. Every single second… The person is smiling? Still in pain.”
Hina also shared an uplifting note from the hospital staff, which read: “Dear Hina Khan, I know this surgery has been hard for you but I am so glad you are on the way to making a full recovery. Hoping you feel better very soon.” She captioned the post with gratitude, saying, “Love and more love. This keeps me going.”
In her announcement last month, Hina revealed her diagnosis, assuring her supporters that she was committed to fighting the illness. She stated, “I am strong, determined, and truly committed to overcoming this disease. My treatment has already begun, and I am ready to do everything necessary to emerge from this even stronger.”
Hina Khan is well-known for her roles in popular TV shows like Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, Naagin 5, and Kasautii Zindagii Kay. Additionally, she has participated in reality shows such as Khatron Ke Khiladi and Bigg Boss. Her filmography includes titles like Hacked, Smartphone, and Damaged 2.