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Ranbir Kapoor Navigates the Shadows: Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal Explores the Depths of Humanity


In Animal, Sandeep Reddy Vanga, known for provocative storytelling, propels Ranbir Kapoor into the spotlight as the (anti-)hero, Vijay. Despite being a spacecraft engineer, Vijay’s focus is on unleashing chaos, reveling in despicable acts and engaging in explicit discussions. Ranbir Kapoor adeptly embraces the dark role, but the three-hour-plus film struggles with a thin plot.

Vanga attributes Vijay’s criminal behavior to his strained relationship with his unloving and pre-occupied father, played by Anil Kapoor. However, the film falls short in convincingly portraying the transformation of Vijay into a repugnant character. The father-son dynamic, meant to be the emotional core, only resonates in a few scenes, leaving the audience wanting more depth.

While Animal puts great emphasis on glorifying its titular character, it neglects building a compelling world around him. The film lacks a robust storyline and features underdeveloped characters, relying heavily on bombastic action set-pieces that lack originality. Vanga attempts to inject humor with lines like “Aatmanirbhar Bharat,” but it feels forced.

Certain dialogues contribute to a questionable portrayal of women, reducing their agency and perpetuating stereotypes. Female characters face abuse, and attempts to assert themselves are met with dismissal. Animal becomes Vanga’s realm, characterized by gore, misogyny, and a lack of order. The film concludes with a hint of expanding this wild narrative, adding to the chaotic narrative Vanga has crafted.