Arjun Kapoor recently opened up about his and Anshula Kapoor’s relation with their half-sisters Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor. He said that he doesn’t ‘want to sell a fake lie that everything is perfect’. He further revealed that they are ‘different families who are trying to merge and coexist with each other’.
Arjun Kapoor and his sister Anshula Kapoor are the children of Boney Kapoor and Mona Shourie Kapoor. Meanwhile Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor are children of Boney Kapoor from his second marriage to late Sridevi.
Speaking about the relations in their family Arjun said, “If I say we are a perfect family that will be incorrect. It’s not about different opinions, we still are different families who are trying to merge and coexist with each other. We all have amazing time when we are together but we are still not one unit. I don’t want to sell a fake lie that everything is perfect. It can’t be perfect, as we are still figuring each other out…”
“There are two very bad moments in our lives which have got us together. We will always be like broken pieces; trying to fill up the gaps to be in each other’s life. We are a support system to each other. We met after 20 years of Janhvi and Khushi being born. I am 35 now, Anshula is 28 we are matured adults. And we are finding it quite tough to merge just like that. And I also think imperfection is quite fascinating, because then you learn to coexist and you learn to respect the differences. In a way we are very similar too as we have our dad’s genes,” he added.
Arjun was last seen in two films, Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar and Sardar ka Grandson. While in Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar, he was seen opposite actor Parineeti Chopra, in Sardar ka Grandson he featured along with actor Rakul Preet Singh. He also has Bhoot Police and Ek Villain Returns in his kitty.