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“Challenges and Progress in Ongoing Rescue Operation for Trapped Labourers in Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse”


In the aftermath of the tunnel collapse in Uttarakhand’s Uttarkashi, efforts to rescue 40 trapped labourers are underway, facing delays due to the fragile nature of the location, as explained by NHIDCL Director Anshu Manish Khalkho. Despite challenges, provisions of food and water are being made, ensuring the well-being of the trapped workers. Highlighting the importance of precision in the rescue operation, Khalkho emphasized the need to maintain equilibrium and uphold the morale of both the trapped individuals and the rescue team.

Addressing concerns about the duration of sustenance for the trapped labourers, Khalkho clarified that with the provision of food and water, their physical and mental health is being attended to. Communication with the trapped individuals is ongoing, and doctors have been deployed to counsel them.

In a significant update on the rescue progress, Khalkho reported that rescuers have successfully drilled through 24 meters into the rubble inside the Silkyara Tunnel, inching closer to the trapped labourers. The delicate situation has prompted strategic measures, including the airlifting of additional machinery from Indore to expedite the rescue efforts.

The collapse of the under-construction tunnel, linking Silkyara and Dandalgaon on the Brahmakhal-Yamunotri national highway, occurred in the early hours of November 12. The ongoing rescue operation aims to ensure the safety and well-being of those trapped, navigating challenges posed by the precarious conditions of the location.