Home Latest News “China Strongly Objects to External Interference in Maldives during President Muizzu’s Visit”

“China Strongly Objects to External Interference in Maldives during President Muizzu’s Visit”


In a clear stance, China declared its strong opposition to external interference in the internal affairs of the Maldives as President Mohamed Muizzu concluded his inaugural visit. The statement emphasized China’s unwavering support for the Maldives in safeguarding its sovereignty and independence, addressing the ongoing diplomatic tension with India.

"China Strongly Objects to External Interference in Maldives during President Muizzu's Visit"
"China Strongly Objects to External Interference in Maldives during President Muizzu's Visit"

During President Muizzu’s visit, the two nations solidified their commitment to supporting each other in protecting their respective core interests, as highlighted in a joint statement. The diplomatic exchange underscores the complexities in the region and the efforts by China to strengthen its ties with the Maldives while navigating existing geopolitical dynamics.

The firm language used by China reflects its position on non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign nations, a principle often emphasized in its foreign policy. The evolving relationships in the Indian Ocean region, especially amid the ongoing diplomatic tensions, add a layer of significance to China’s expression of support for the Maldives.

As geopolitical dynamics continue to play out, this development signals China’s assertive stance and its efforts to maintain diplomatic relationships in the South Asian region. President Muizzu’s visit and the subsequent joint statement highlight the delicate balance of diplomatic ties and regional influence in the ever-evolving landscape of international relations.