“Shocking Tragedy Unfolds as Non-Local Laborer Falls Victim to Suspected Militant...
In a grim and unfortunate incident, a non-local laborer hailing from Uttar Pradesh, identified as Mukesh, met a tragic end in South Kashmir's Pulwama....
“Thalapathy Vijay’s Action-Thriller ‘Leo’ Achieves Remarkable Box Office Milestones”
In the world of Indian cinema, Director Lokesh Kanagaraj's action-packed thriller 'Leo,' featuring the iconic 'Thalapathy' Vijay in the lead role, continues to shatter...
Wedding makeup trends can vary, but some timeless and popular choices...
Natural Glam: A flawless, natural look with neutral tones, soft contouring, and nude lips is always in style.
Bold Lips: Vibrant and bold lipstick shades,...
“Khalnayak: A Timeless Classic Revisited – Team Reunites for a Special...
In the annals of Bollywood history, the year 1993 marked a significant milestone with the release of 'Khalnayak.' Directed by the legendary Subhash Ghai,...
“Bollywood Icon Karisma Kapoor’s Family Legacy and a Surprising Revelation About...
Karisma Kapoor, a prominent figure in the Bollywood film industry, hails from the renowned 'Kapoor Khandaan' known for producing legendary talents such as Prithviraj...
“High-Level Committee Proposes Changes to School Textbooks: India to be Replaced...
A committee of experts in the field of social sciences, appointed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) to overhaul the...
“Ravan Effigy Mishap at Lav Kush Ramleela in Delhi: Kangana Ranaut’s...
Delhi's renowned Lav Kush Ramleela, a symbol of grandeur and tradition during the festive season, witnessed an unexpected twist during its Dussehra celebration. The...