Fresh trouble brews for Arvind Kejriwal, the chief of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), as a new Public Interest Litigation (PIL) surfaces in the Delhi High Court aiming for his ousting from the Chief Ministerial position. Filed by Vishnu Gupta, the President of Hindu Sena, the petition argues that the aftermath of Kejriwal’s recent apprehension by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection to the alleged excise policy scam, amounts to a violation of constitutional trust as mandated by the Constitution.
A Delhi court prolonged Kejriwal’s ED custody until April 1, asserting “sufficient reasons” for the extension on Thursday. Concurrently, the high court dismissed a similar PIL requesting Kejriwal’s removal from the Chief Minister’s post, citing the absence of room for judicial intervention. It emphasized that the matter falls under the jurisdiction of another branch of the government to scrutinize in accordance with the law.