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Bigg Boss 17 Drama Unfolds: Vicky Jain and Ankita Lokhande Clash Over ‘Freedom’ Remarks


In the latest episode of Bigg Boss 17, tensions escalate as a new promo teases a heated exchange between contestant Vicky Jain and his wife, Ankita Lokhande. The couple, who have been at the center of controversies in the reality show, seem to be at loggerheads again, this time over the topic of ‘freedom.’

Bigg Boss 17 Drama Unfolds: Vicky Jain and Ankita Lokhande Clash Over 'Freedom' Remarks

The controversy originated from an earlier episode where Vicky Jain’s mother discussed the amount of ‘chooth’ (freedom) he has granted Ankita Lokhande. This statement drew sharp criticism from fans, labeling it as outdated and patriarchal. Now, it appears that Vicky shares a similar perspective, raising eyebrows among viewers.

The upcoming episode promises to unravel the clash between Vicky and Ankita, shedding light on their differing views on freedom within their relationship. The promo suggests that the issue will be revisited, leading to a confrontation that adds a new layer of complexity to their dynamics in the Bigg Boss house.

Fans of the show have been actively expressing their opinions on social media, with many expressing disappointment over Vicky Jain’s alignment with his mother’s viewpoint. The clash over the concept of freedom within a relationship brings forth larger conversations about traditional ideologies and the evolving dynamics of modern relationships.

As Bigg Boss 17 continues to captivate audiences with its blend of drama and real-life conflicts, the Vicky Jain-Ankita Lokhande episode adds another layer of intrigue. Viewers eagerly await the upcoming episode to witness how the couple navigates this challenging moment and whether it will impact their journey on the reality show.