In a startling development within the widely-watched reality TV series, Bigg Boss 17, the actor and contestant Isha Malviya has attracted significant attention for all the wrong reasons. Reports suggest that her mother is deeply distressed by her performance on the show and the controversy arising from her evolving relationship with fellow contestant Samarth Jurel. Isha’s journey on the show took an unexpected twist with Samarth Jurel’s wildcard entry. Initially, she denied any romantic involvement with him, causing confusion and drawing the audience’s ire. Even her ex-boyfriend, Abhishek Kumar, a fellow contestant, was left heartbroken by Isha’s mixed signals when Samarth entered the picture.
The situation escalated when video footage of Isha and Samarth getting physically intimate on the show went viral, further fueling the controversy. These events have not only disheartened Isha’s mother but also left a sizable section of viewers dismayed by her actions.
Former co-star Lokesh Bhatta, who had worked alongside Isha in the show “Udariyaan,” disclosed that Isha’s mother is eager for her daughter to exit the show due to her unsatisfactory performance. Bhatta commented, “Her mother also revealed that they’re not comfortable with Isha’s physical closeness with Samarth. They can no longer watch the show as they did before Samarth’s entry.”
Isha’s parents are reportedly disappointed and distressed by her behavior on the show. Her father, who holds a position in a government firm, shares these sentiments. However, contractual obligations may prevent Isha from departing from the show, much to her parents’ dismay.
While controversies are not uncommon in reality shows like Bigg Boss, Isha Malviya’s recent actions have portrayed her in an unfavorable light, leaving her admirers and family disappointed. Her journey on the show persists, but the repercussions of her actions could have a lasting impact on her reputation.