The Indian box office witnesses a fierce clash between Prabhas’ crime-thriller Salaar and Shah Rukh Khan’s comedy-drama Dunki as they hit theaters just a day apart during the Christmas holiday weekend. With both films releasing on December 21 (Dunki) and December 22 (Salaar), the competition is heating up, especially in the realm of advance ticket sales.
In this battle of the titans, early indicators suggest that moviegoers are leaning towards Prabhas’ Salaar, which has surged ahead of SRK’s Dunki in the advance booking race. Directed by Prashanth Neel, Salaar has already amassed an impressive Rs 12.67 crore, selling 5,77,406 tickets for 6,439 shows nationwide. On the other hand, Dunki, despite initially outperforming Salaar until Tuesday, has seen a turnaround, selling 3,60,508 tickets for 12,608 shows and earning Rs 10.26 crore.
The shift in dynamics within a matter of a day underscores the unpredictable nature of audience preferences and the intense competition between these two highly anticipated films. As the Christmas weekend unfolds, all eyes are on the box office battle, where Salaar has taken an early lead in the race for audience attention and ticket sales supremacy.