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“Bramayugam’s Box Office Triumph: Mammootty’s Horror Flick Nearing Rs 35 Crore Global Milestone on Sixth Day”


Mammootty’s latest horror film, Bramayugam, directed by Rahul Sadasivan, is proving to be a box office success as it approaches the Rs 35 crore mark globally on its sixth day of release. The film’s impressive performance extends into the weekdays, with Tuesday’s earnings only slightly dipping by Rs 25 lakh compared to the previous day.

"Bramayugam's Box Office Triumph: Mammootty's Horror Flick Nearing Rs 35 Crore Global Milestone on Sixth Day"

Despite the typical weekday trends, Bramayugam maintains a steady and robust presence in the domestic market, showcasing its appeal to audiences. The consistent performance during weekdays is a testament to the film’s gripping narrative and Mammootty’s impactful portrayal.

As the global box office collection inches closer to the Rs 35 crore milestone, Bramayugam continues to captivate audiences worldwide. The film’s success is not only reflected in its impressive earnings but also in the positive word-of-mouth and sustained interest it has generated.

Directed by Rahul Sadasivan, Bramayugam has carved a niche in the horror genre, standing out for its unique storytelling and Mammootty’s compelling performance. The film’s resilience during weekdays signifies its ability to engage and retain viewers beyond the opening weekend.

The sixth-day box office collection further solidifies Bramayugam’s position as a commercially successful venture, adding to Mammootty’s repertoire of impactful films. As the film inches towards the Rs 35 crore milestone, it continues to draw attention for its impressive box office run and positive reception from audiences.