Kareena Kapoor, Kriti Sanon, and Tabu’s latest release, “Crew,” hit the big screens on March 29, marking its entry into the box office arena with a commendable ₹30 crore collection over its opening weekend. However, the film witnessed a noticeable decline in earnings, experiencing a significant 60% drop on its first Monday. This downward trajectory persisted through Tuesday, signaling a gradual slowdown in its box office momentum. Despite these challenges, “Crew” managed to maintain a steady stream of revenue, with Wednesday’s collection standing at ₹3.25 crore, as reported by Sacnilk.
With an overall 11.60% Hindi occupancy on Wednesday, the film has amassed a cumulative six-day total of ₹40.70 crore. “Crew” revolves around the intriguing story of three air hostesses, portrayed by Tabu, Kareena Kapoor, and Kriti Sanon, whose lives take an unexpected turn when they stumble upon a dead passenger smuggling gold biscuits, against the backdrop of their airline, Kohinoor, facing financial turmoil.
According to reports, “Crew” has been released across 2000 theaters, marking its presence in over 75 countries and spanning more than 1100 locations worldwide. Despite its challenges, the film’s steady performance indicates a promising trajectory at the box office.
The estimated budget for “Crew,” covering production and advertising costs, is reportedly around ₹60 crore. With its intriguing storyline and stellar cast, the film continues to captivate audiences, promising an engaging cinematic experience.