Home Entertainment “Crew” Garners Impressive Rs 44 Crores in Week One at Indian Box...

“Crew” Garners Impressive Rs 44 Crores in Week One at Indian Box Office


Rajesh A Krishnan’s directorial venture “Crew,” featuring a star-studded cast including Kareena Kapoor Khan, Tabu, and Kriti Sanon, has made a commendable mark in its inaugural week in India, amassing a total of approximately Rs 44 crores in nett earnings.

"Crew" Garners Impressive Rs 44 Crores in Week One at Indian Box Office

The film’s performance during its opening week has been notable, with a healthy weekend turnout and a reasonable hold on weekdays contributing to its success. Notably, “Crew” has showcased particularly strong performance in major cities, where audience turnout typically witnesses significant growth over weekends.

As the film enters its second week, it faces the challenge of competing against Eid releases, which are poised to claim a significant portion of the screens. However, “Crew” continues to play across theaters, providing audiences with ample opportunities to catch the film on the big screen.

With its star-studded cast and a storyline that has resonated with audiences, “Crew” remains hopeful for continued success in its second weekend. The film’s ability to garner acceptance among viewers bodes well for its prospects, especially in urban centers where it has found significant traction.

As audiences flock to theaters to experience the cinematic journey offered by “Crew,” the film’s performance at the box office underscores its appeal and potential to continue drawing crowds in the weeks to come.