Home Entertainment “Heartfelt Congrats: Parineeti Chopra’s Special Message to Mannara Chopra After Bigg Boss...

“Heartfelt Congrats: Parineeti Chopra’s Special Message to Mannara Chopra After Bigg Boss 17 Journey”


As the curtains closed on Bigg Boss 17, Mannara Chopra emerged as the second runner-up, capturing attention for her entertaining and tumultuous journey on the reality show. Notably, Parineeti Chopra, Mannara’s cousin, took a moment to extend her congratulations, sending a special message to the Bigg Boss runner-up.

"Heartfelt Congrats: Parineeti Chopra's Special Message to Mannara Chopra After Bigg Boss 17 Journey"

The grand finale, which aired on January 28, crowned Munawar Faruqui as the winner, with Abhishek Kumar securing the first runner-up position. Mannara’s resilience and vibrant personality earned her a place in the top five, despite facing both criticism and support throughout her challenging stint on the show.

Acknowledging Mannara’s achievement, Parineeti Chopra’s heartfelt message adds a personal touch to the conclusion of Bigg Boss 17. The revelation of this family connection brings an interesting facet to Mannara Chopra’s identity, as she navigated the highs and lows of the reality TV landscape under the pseudonym Barbie Handa.