As the highly-awaited film “Fighter,” featuring Hrithik Roshan as an Indian Air Force (IAF) officer, gears up for its theatrical release on January 25, early predictions for its box office performance have surfaced. According to insights from, the Siddharth Anand directorial is expected to make a significant impact on its opening day, with estimates indicating a collection in the ballpark of ₹25 crore.
The anticipation surrounding “Fighter” has been palpable, with audiences eagerly awaiting the big-screen experience of Hrithik Roshan portraying the role of an IAF officer. The film’s unique storyline and Roshan’s star power are touted as key factors contributing to the projected success at the box office.
While the Siddharth Anand directorial promises an engaging narrative and high-octane action sequences, the initial estimates hint at a robust opening for “Fighter.” The ₹25 crore projection for the film’s first day showcases the widespread excitement and interest among moviegoers, setting the stage for a promising start to its theatrical journey.
As the release date approaches, fans and industry enthusiasts alike are eager to witness the box office reception of “Fighter” and see how Hrithik Roshan’s portrayal as an IAF officer resonates with the audience. The film’s potential to make a significant mark on its opening day suggests a positive trajectory for its box office run in the coming weeks.