As Christmas Eve unfolded, Malaika Arora radiated joy while celebrating with loved ones, capturing the festive spirit on her Instagram story. The evening held a special significance as her former husband, actor-filmmaker Arbaaz Khan, tied the knot with makeup artist Shura Khan on the same day.
Malaika, accompanied by her son Arhaan, who earlier attended his father’s wedding, stepped out for a delightful Christmas gathering. Paparazzi captured heartwarming moments as Malaika and her family, exuding holiday bliss, graced the streets of Mumbai. The snapshots showcase a blend of merriment and togetherness, portraying the essence of their relaxed Christmas celebration.
In a series of videos shared by photographers, Malaika not only embraced the festive fervor but also struck poses for the shutterbugs, adding a touch of glamour to the occasion. This unique blend of family, festivities, and a post-wedding celebration paints a picture of Christmas joy for Malaika Arora and her loved ones.”