Amidst the tragic aftermath of a dust storm in Mumbai that claimed the lives of 14 individuals in Ghatkopar suburb, actress Mannara Chopra stirred controversy for a social media post showcasing her “enjoyment” during the adverse weather conditions. The Bigg Boss 17 alum faced severe criticism from netizens who deemed her actions insensitive, particularly in light of the loss of lives caused by the calamitous event.
Mannara Chopra took to her Instagram platform to share a reel capturing her dancing in a balcony to the tune of the song “Akhiyaan Gulaab” from the movie “Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya.” The video, filmed against the backdrop of the dust storm, drew widespread condemnation as viewers highlighted the gravity of the situation, emphasizing the tragedy of lives lost while she seemingly indulged in leisure.
The public backlash underscores the importance of sensitivity and responsibility, especially during times of crisis. As Mumbai grapples with the aftermath of the dust storm, Mannara Chopra’s social media post serves as a reminder of the need for empathy and solidarity amidst adversity.