Today marks a special milestone for Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor as they celebrate their second wedding anniversary. The beloved couple, known for their undeniable chemistry and strong bond, exchanged vows in an intimate ceremony on April 14, 2022, capturing the hearts of fans worldwide. As they commemorate this joyous occasion, they receive warm wishes and blessings from family and loved ones, including Neetu Kapoor.
Taking to her social media platform, Neetu Kapoor expressed her affection and blessings for the couple by sharing a heartwarming photo from their wedding ceremony. In the snapshot, Alia and Ranbir radiate happiness as they pose for the camera amidst the sacred rituals. Alia is resplendent in an elegant orange suit with minimal makeup, while Ranbir exudes charm in a beige kurta pajama ensemble.
Accompanying the photo, Neetu Kapoor’s heartfelt message reads, “blessings,” adorned with a heart emoji, encapsulating the love and best wishes she extends to the couple on their special day.
As Alia and Ranbir continue their journey together, their enduring love story continues to inspire and captivate audiences, serving as a testament to the power of love and companionship. On their second anniversary, they are surrounded by the warmth and affection of their loved ones, celebrating the bond they share and the journey they embark upon together.