Renowned actor Prabhas recently came together with director Prashanth Neel and actor Prithviraj Sukumaran to celebrate the success of their latest cinematic venture, Salaar Part 1: Ceasefire. The star-studded party also saw the presence of music composer Ravi Basrur and distributor Anil Thadani, adding to the festive atmosphere.
The gathering, which exuded an intimate vibe, brought together the cast and crew of Salaar Part 1: Ceasefire to revel in the triumph of their collaborative efforts. Prabhas, known for his stellar performances, shared joyous moments with director Prashanth Neel and the talented actor Prithviraj Sukumaran.
Despite facing competition from Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki at the box office, Salaar Part 1: Ceasefire has proven to be a massive hit, raking in impressive numbers. The film garnered a staggering Rs 550 crore (Rs 5.5 billion) in India, Rs 153 crore (Rs 1.53 billion) overseas, and a whopping Rs 703 crore (Rs 7.03 billion) worldwide. The Hindi version alone contributed significantly, accumulating Rs 208 crore (Rs 2.08 billion), as reported by the makers.
The success of Salaar Part 1: Ceasefire attests to the cinematic brilliance and audience appeal of the film. The celebratory mood at the party reflected the collective pride of the team behind this blockbuster. As Prabhas, Prithviraj, and others basked in the glory of their achievement, the event served as a fitting tribute to the hard work and dedication poured into bringing Salaar Part 1: Ceasefire to the silver screen.
With the film’s triumphant performance at the box office and the star-studded party marking the occasion, Salaar Part 1: Ceasefire continues to stand out as a cinematic success, leaving fans eager for more collaborative ventures from this talented ensemble.