Renowned actress Priyanka Chopra has recently disclosed that she won’t be gracing the prestigious Met Gala this year. In an exclusive interview with Access Hollywood while promoting the documentary film Tiger, where she serves as the narrator, Chopra cited her ongoing filming commitments as the reason for her absence.
Expressing her sentiments about the upcoming Met Gala, Chopra admitted, “I don’t even know who’s going this year. I’m definitely not attending this year because I’m filming, but I think I really do enjoy watching people’s creativity during the Met Gala and I am really excited to see how it will turn out. I actually have not read anything about who all is going this year.”
However, when informed about the attendance of Euphoria star Zendaya, Chopra couldn’t help but express her admiration, stating, “She’s amazing, so we definitely look forward to her.”
Chopra’s absence notwithstanding, the excitement for the Met Gala remains palpable, with fans eagerly awaiting the innovative displays of fashion and style from attending celebrities. While Chopra may not be in attendance, her anticipation for Zendaya’s appearance adds to the anticipation surrounding the event.