Amidst ongoing political turmoil, actress-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut, contesting as a BJP candidate from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, has vehemently refuted claims made by Congress leader Vijay Wadettiwar regarding her dietary habits.
Responding to Wadettiwar’s allegations that she had admitted to consuming beef, Kangana Ranaut asserted her adherence to a vegetarian lifestyle, emphasizing her commitment to yogic and Ayurvedic principles. Denouncing the spread of baseless rumors, Ranaut affirmed her identity as a proud Hindu, stating that attempts to tarnish her image would not sway her supporters.
In a statement shared on social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, Kangana Ranaut expressed her dismay at the unfounded accusations, reiterating her dedication to promoting traditional Indian practices. She urged the public to discern fact from fiction, asserting that her unwavering commitment to her beliefs would not be compromised by malicious attempts to discredit her.
As the political landscape continues to evolve, Kangana Ranaut’s staunch defense against allegations highlights the complexities inherent in contemporary political discourse, where personal narratives intersect with larger ideological debates.