In a recent promo for Bigg Boss 17, host Salman Khan was seen expressing his anger towards contestants Vicky Jain and Isha Malviya. The heated exchange occurred when Vicky was reprimanded for allegedly breaking a crucial rule by discussing strategy with fellow contestant Neil Bhatt before entering the show. While Neil’s team has refuted these claims, Vicky openly admitted to his actions during the Weekend Ka Vaar episode.
Salman Khan did not hold back as he questioned Vicky about his knowledge of the show’s contract, asking if he had thoroughly read it. He then inquired about Vicky’s pre-show conversation with Neil Bhatt, emphasizing that this was a risky move with potential consequences.
Salman stated, “Did you guys read the contract before entering the show? Vicky, did you speak to anyone and discuss the strategy before entering the show? This is a wrong move, and you may face consequences.” Turning to Sana Raees Khan, a contestant on Bigg Boss 17 and a lawyer by profession, he sought her expertise on the potential repercussions that Vicky might encounter.
Sana responded, “His participation can be discontinued, and he can be removed from the show.” This revelation raised the stakes for Vicky, who now faces the possibility of being ousted from the competition due to his alleged breach of the rules.
However, Neil Bhatt’s team vehemently denied the allegations, asserting that two days before entering the Bigg Boss house, Neil received a call from Vicky (Vikaas Jain) in which they briefly discussed the show. Neil’s response during a therapy room session confirmed that Vicky had indeed called him, but they claimed that no strategy discussions took place. They attributed some media reports as “misquotes” that wrongly implicated Neil in pre-show strategy talks.
This controversy has added an intense layer of drama to Bigg Boss 17, as the contestants’ actions and the show’s rulebook continue to be under scrutiny. The fate of Vicky Jain and the potential consequences of his actions remain uncertain, making this season of Bigg Boss even more intriguing for viewers.