In a fashion statement that can only be described as quintessentially Salman Khan, the Tiger 3 star was recently spotted outside Mumbai airport donning a pair of trousers adorned with his own face printed on the back. The actor, known for his charismatic presence both on and off the screen, showcased a unique sense of style that instantly grabbed the attention of onlookers.
Salman Khan, who last graced the big screen in Tiger 3, appeared to be in high spirits during his airport rendezvous. Contrary to the usual stoic airport demeanor, the actor shared jovial moments with fans, embracing a couple of them and warmly acknowledging the airport security personnel. The unusual highlight of his ensemble, however, was the eye-catching pair of pants featuring a playful print of Salman’s own face on the back.
As the actor navigated through the airport, the fashion choice not only drew smiles but also triggered a wave of admiration from netizens who couldn’t help but applaud the unique and confident style exuded by Salman Khan. The charismatic star’s encounter with politician Baba Siddique and his son Zeeshan added an extra touch of camaraderie to the occasion, showcasing Salman’s affable nature even in the midst of his busy schedule. Salman Khan’s airport escapade not only showcased his distinctive fashion flair but also offered a glimpse into the lighthearted and friendly persona that defines ‘Bhai ka Swag.’