In a recent revelation about his upcoming film “Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya,” Shahid Kapoor expressed profound admiration for sharing the screen with the legendary Dharmendra, who portrays his grandfather in the movie. Kapoor considers it an honor to work alongside Dharmendra and praised the veteran actor for his affectionate and charismatic nature, emphasizing the warmth conveyed in every hug.
Speaking about his experience working with Dharmendra, Shahid Kapoor conveyed his deep respect and stated, “To share screen space with him is an honour. He is very loving and charismatic. Whenever he meets you, there’s love in his hug. I just want his blessings.”
Additionally, Kapoor shared his enthusiasm for collaborating with Dimple Kapadia in the film, describing it as a dream cast. Expressing his delight, Kapoor revealed, “I don’t think there could be a better cast than this, and we just wanted Dimple ma’am to say yes to this role, and luckily, she did. I don’t think anyone else could have done this role. She plays my maasi in the film.”
The actor’s admiration for the seasoned performers and the joy derived from their collaboration reflects the anticipation surrounding “Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya.” As Kapoor eagerly awaits the release, the star-studded cast, featuring Dharmendra and Dimple Kapadia, is set to bring a unique charm to the film, creating a cinematic experience that Kapoor believes could not have been portrayed better by any other ensemble.