Renowned singers Shreya Ghoshal and Sunidhi Chauhan recently caused a stir on social media by sharing a rare selfie together. The two iconic figures in the Hindi film industry took to Instagram to post a joint snapshot, capturing a moment inside an airplane.
In the shared photo, Shreya and Sunidhi can be seen embracing each other with smiles for the camera. Sunidhi sported a stylish black and white shirt for her travel attire, while Shreya opted for a chic cream-colored shirt. Both singers accessorized with dark sunglasses, adding an extra touch of glamour to the snapshot. In a playful twist, the duo also indulged in some pouting for a second selfie, adding a light-hearted touch to the moment.
Accompanying the images was a caption that humorously exclaimed, “SC SG break the internet 😂 @sunidhichauhan5,” indicating the playful banter between the two talented artists.
The rare selfie shared by Shreya Ghoshal and Sunidhi Chauhan quickly garnered attention from fans and followers, sparking a wave of excitement and admiration across social media platforms.