Director Siddharth Anand has candidly addressed the initial struggles faced by the film “Fighter,” starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, during its opening days at the box office. Anand attributed the film’s slow start to its unique genre and the uncharted territory it explores within the Indian film industry.
In an interview with Galatta Plus, Anand remarked on the significant leap taken with “Fighter,” highlighting the challenges associated with introducing a new genre to the Indian audience. The director expressed that the film’s unfamiliarity might have posed difficulties for the audience, stating, “It’s a space that is unexplored and is absolutely new. It has no reference point for the audience.”
Anand further emphasized the film’s unique theme, particularly its focus on aviation, by stating, “Such big stars, a commercial director, accha ye planes kya kar rahi he [what are these planes doing?] I am like is this my film, I don’t know this.”
Delving deeper into the challenges faced, Anand pointed out that a substantial percentage of the country, approximately 90%, has not experienced air travel. He questioned how the audience could understand the film’s aerial elements when many have not been to an airport, shedding light on the disconnect between the subject matter and the audience’s familiarity.
As “Fighter” navigates these challenges, it will be interesting to observe how the film resonates with the audience over time, and whether the unique thematic elements will ultimately contribute to its success in the evolving landscape of Indian cinema.