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“Siddharth Opens Up About Engagement, Reveals Concern Over Aditi Rao Hydari’s Response”


The entertainment world is abuzz with news of actors Siddharth and Aditi Rao Hydari’s recent engagement, which took place in a private ceremony. Despite the intimate nature of the event, some labeled it a “secret engagement.” Clarifying the situation, Siddharth addressed the matter at the Galatta Golden Stars event, emphasizing the distinction between a private gathering with family and a secretive affair.

"Siddharth Opens Up About Engagement, Reveals Concern Over Aditi Rao Hydari's Response"

Speaking candidly, Siddharth stated, “While some may call it a secret, it was a private ceremony for our close circle. The next steps are contingent upon our elders’ decisions, as this is a lifelong commitment that cannot be rushed like scheduling a shooting date.”

When questioned about the duration it took for Aditi Rao Hydari to accept his proposal, Siddharth responded, “Such queries about timing are irrelevant. What matters is the outcome, whether it’s a ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ I approach it as either a pass or fail. I don’t concern myself with the number of marks I’ll receive. I was simply anxious about the response, hoping my name would be on the ‘pass’ list.”

With Siddharth’s candid revelations shedding light on their engagement journey, fans eagerly await further updates on this blossoming relationship.