The much-anticipated wedding of Bollywood stars Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal is set to unfold on June 23, with preparations in full swing for the grand event. Hosted at Bastian – At the Top in Mumbai, the intimate affair will see the presence of close friends and family, promising a memorable celebration.
While the specifics of Sonakshi’s bridal attire remain under wraps, details about the theme for the main event have emerged. With the dress code set as “festive and formals,” attendees can anticipate an elegant yet vibrant ambiance at the festivities.
Commencing on June 22 at the couple’s family residence in Juhu, the wedding festivities will culminate in a morning ceremony on June 23, followed by an evening reception. The wedding invite, styled as a magazine cover proclaiming “the rumours are true,” hints at the excitement surrounding the union.
The wedding planning, reportedly underway for some time, gained momentum post the recent elections, particularly with Sonakshi’s father, actor and MP Shatrughan Sinha’s victory in Asansol, West Bengal. The occasion promises to be a double celebration for the family.
Sonakshi and Zaheer, both launched by Salman Khan, share a professional connection, having worked together in Double XL (2022). While Sonakshi made her debut opposite Salman in Dabangg, Salman produced Zaheer’s debut film, Notebook.
Reflecting on her bridal aspirations, Sonakshi has expressed a preference for simplicity, citing her admiration for her mother, Poonam Sinha’s regal style. Known for her graceful sarees and royal jewelry, Poonam Sinha serves as a source of inspiration for Sonakshi’s wedding ensemble aspirations, as the actress aims for a timeless and elegant look on her special day.