The much-anticipated film “Srikanth” starring Rajkummar Rao, Alaya F, Jyotika, and Sharad Kelkar among other talented actors, made a commendable debut at the Indian box office. Directed by Tushar Hiranandani, the movie showcased a promising start with an impressive collection of over ₹2 crore on its first day of release, as reported by
Released on May 10, “Srikanth” garnered positive responses from audiences and critics alike, contributing to its successful box office performance. According to early estimates, the film accumulated a net earning of ₹2.25 crore in India on its opening day, demonstrating its appeal among cinema-goers.
With an overall Hindi occupancy rate of 12.14% on Friday, “Srikanth” showcased steady footfall in theaters, indicating a promising trajectory for its theatrical run. As the buzz surrounding the film continues to grow, fans eagerly anticipate witnessing the unfolding of its captivating storyline and stellar performances on the big screen.
As “Srikanth” sets its sights on further milestones at the box office, its strong debut underscores the audience’s enthusiasm for quality cinema and solidifies its position as a noteworthy addition to Bollywood’s repertoire of compelling narratives.