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“Suhana Khan’s Birthday Celebration: Heartfelt Wishes from Ananya Panday, Shanaya Kapoor, and Navya Nanda”


As Suhana Khan marked another year on Wednesday, her close friends Ananya Panday, Shanaya Kapoor, and Navya Nanda took to social media to shower her with love and warm wishes.

"Suhana Khan's Birthday Celebration: Heartfelt Wishes from Ananya Panday, Shanaya Kapoor, and Navya Nanda"

Ananya Panday, sharing a cherished memory from an IPL match, penned a heartfelt message for her “best girl.” Expressing her affection, Ananya wrote, “There’s no one like you in the whole wide world. I love you Suzie.” The photo captured a moment of pure joy between the friends, resonating with their shared passions.

Shanaya Kapoor reminisced about their support for Shah Rukh Khan’s IPL team, Kolkata Knight Riders, sharing a snapshot from the stands. In her message, she conveyed her love for her “sister,” emphasizing the enduring bond they share.

Navya Naveli Nanda contributed to the outpouring of affection with a solo picture of Suhana, accompanied by a simple yet heartfelt message: “Happy birthday Suhana.” The gesture added to the warmth of the occasion, highlighting the close-knit circle of friendship between the trio.

Beyond the birthday wishes, Suhana Khan’s recent adventures were also spotlighted, particularly her solo trip to Milan, Italy, where she indulged in fashion and exploration. Documenting her journey on social media, Suhana treated her followers to glimpses of picturesque landscapes and chic ensembles, showcasing her style and zest for life.

Earlier in the year, Suhana had made headlines with her support for Ananya Panday’s international runway debut at Paris Couture Week. Sharing moments from their time in Paris, Suhana’s posts captured the essence of friendship and adventure against the backdrop of iconic landmarks and fashion events.

As Suhana Khan celebrates another year of life, her friendships continue to shine as brightly as ever, weaving a tapestry of love, support, and cherished memories.