In an unexpected turn of events on Bigg Boss 17, Ankita Lokhande faced an abrupt exit, leaving her and her husband, Vicky Jain, visibly upset. Ankita, who entertained the audience on Salman Khan’s reality show for months, was evicted at the fourth position, a shock to both viewers and her emotional husband.
The moment of Ankita’s eviction was a poignant one, with Vicky Jain seen teary-eyed at the announcement. While fellow contestants Munawar Faruqui, Abhishek Kumar, and Mannara Chopra celebrated their top 3 positions with dance, Ankita’s departure left the housemates and host Salman Khan in disbelief.
Expressing his shock, Salman Khan mentioned, “I thought you would become the winner. I am shocked that you are not. I don’t know what has happened that you have come out of the house. The whole team is shocked.”
As Ankita appeared on stage with Salman Khan, her disheartened demeanor was evident. The unexpected turn of events left her looking serious and visibly fatigued. Even as she left the sets with Vicky Jain, there was a notable absence of smiles. The paparazzi, hoping for a picture of the couple, faced disappointment as Ankita declined to pose with her husband.
Ankita Lokhande’s surprising exit from Bigg Boss 17 has stirred emotions not only among the contestants but also with the audience. The unexpected turn of events has added an extra layer of drama to the reality show, leaving fans curious about the circumstances surrounding Ankita’s eviction and the impact it will have on the dynamics inside the Bigg Boss house.