Home Entertainment 365 Days’ actor Michele Morrone confirms he’s been approached for a Bollywood...

365 Days’ actor Michele Morrone confirms he’s been approached for a Bollywood film


Italian actor Michele Morrone, became an overnight sensation after appearing in Netflix’s erotic drama 365 Days. The actor who had earlier expressed his wish to do a bollywood film recently revealed that he has been approached with offers already.

In an interview, Michele Morrone said that his management team has expanded to India, after having noticed the industry’s interest in casting him.

“Bollywood is big and its reach is undeniable. I love the culture, music, colours and beauty of what Bollywood creates. I don’t know much, but I recently started educating myself by looking for information on Bollywood. My management team has also expanded to India and I can’t wait to see what the outcome can be.” He revealed

“I would love to do a Hindi film. As an actor, I love challenging roles and they can sometimes make you uncomfortable. I believe when you’re uncomfortable, that’s when you start creating magic,” he added. When pointed that many popular Bollywood personalities follow him on social media, he said, “That’s amazing. I am honoured and humbled. My team has been approached for Bollywood projects, and that’s why we’ve expanded there.”

Earlier it was reported that the actor had been approached by Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar’s team to work in a film. It was reported that “Michele Morrone was all anyone was talking about in 2020. Considering his popularity in the country, Karan Johar reached out to Michele and his team. He is in talks to sign Michele up for a Bollywood film or as part of Dharmatic Entertainment, the digital wing of his production house.” however that news has not been confirmed yet.