Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, the power couple of Bollywood, were recently captured on camera inspecting their soon-to-be-completed Mumbai bungalow. In a series of videos shared by paparazzi and fan pages on social media, the duo was seen exploring the multi-storey residence, offering a glimpse into their future abode.
Dressed casually, Alia sported a white jacket paired with pink shorts, engaging in discussions with the team of architects and interior designers overseeing the final touches on their home. Meanwhile, Ranbir, donning a relaxed white and orange ensemble, also interacted with the team, ensuring that everything aligns with their vision for the space.
According to a recent report by Hindustan Times, the couple, along with their daughter Raha, is gearing up to move into the house in the coming months. Sources close to the couple revealed that the finishing touches on the bungalow are nearing completion, with just about a month’s work remaining. Once the final touches are in place and approvals are obtained, Ranbir and Alia are eagerly anticipating their move into the new residence.
The insider further disclosed that the couple is likely to celebrate Diwali 2024 in their new home, marking a significant milestone in their journey together. Over the past few years, Ranbir, accompanied by his mother Neetu Kapoor, and Alia, has been actively involved in the development of the property, which was reportedly named Krishna Raj in honor of Ranbir’s late grandmother.
Prior to his passing in 2020, Rishi Kapoor, Ranbir’s father, also visited the site, reflecting the sentimental value attached to the upcoming residence for the Kapoor-Bhatt family.
As anticipation builds for their imminent relocation, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s visit to their new Mumbai abode offers a tantalizing glimpse into the life they are set to embark on in their cherished new home.