Celebrity couple Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli recently showcased their gratitude towards the paparazzi by sending them personalized gift hampers accompanied by a touching note. The gesture was a heartfelt acknowledgment of the photographers’ respectful conduct regarding the privacy of the couple’s children.
The duo, who welcomed their second child, a baby boy named Akaay, in February 2024, has always maintained a strict no-photo policy when it comes to their little ones. In light of the paparazzi’s cooperation and understanding of their privacy concerns, Anushka and Virat took it upon themselves to express their appreciation.
The paparazzi community received the thoughtful gesture with warmth and shared their gratitude on social media. A paparazzo account shared a video of the gift delivery, expressing their appreciation for the couple’s acknowledgment of their professionalism and cooperation.
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli’s gesture serves as a reminder of the mutual respect and understanding that can exist between celebrities and the media, fostering a harmonious relationship built on appreciation and cooperation.