Dinesh Phadnis, renowned for portraying Fredrick, also known as Freddy Sir, in the television series ‘CID,’ passed away on December 5 due to complications related to his liver. His unexpected departure left his close ones and admirers grief-stricken. Co-stars including Shivaji Satam, Tanya Abrol, Shraddha Musle, Ajay Nagrath, and Vivek Mashru expressed their condolences on social media.
At the age of 57, Dinesh Phadnis succumbed to severe liver damage, a fact confirmed by fellow actor Dayanand Shetty. Ajay Nagrath, who played a significant role in ‘CID,’ shared the sad news on Instagram, expressing disbelief and remembering Dinesh as a forever cherished presence. Shraddha Musle, who portrayed Dr. Tarika on the show, bid farewell to Freddy Sir on Instagram, emphasizing the impact of his absence.
Shivaji Satam, known as ACP Pradyuman in ‘CID,’ paid tribute to Dinesh through a collage of pictures, highlighting his simplicity, humility, and likable nature. Tanya Abrol, another co-star, shared a heartfelt note alongside numerous pictures with the late actor, reminiscing about their shared experiences and the laughter Dinesh brought to everyone’s lives. She concluded with a farewell message, acknowledging the void left by his departure and expressing gratitude for the memories he left behind.