In a surprising turn of events, the box office performance of Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone’s “Fighter” took an unforeseen dip on its first Monday, leaving film trade insiders and analysts taken aback. Despite the unexpected drop, the Siddharth Anand-directed film managed to maintain its stability, with early estimates for day 6 suggesting a collection of around ₹7.75 crore nett in India on Tuesday, marking a slight decrease from the previous day’s earnings.
“Fighter,” which was released on January 25, continues to be a subject of scrutiny and discussion in the film industry due to its unpredictable box office trajectory. While the Monday drop raised eyebrows, the film’s ability to hold steady in the subsequent days has added an element of intrigue to its overall performance.
The day 6 box office collection, as per early estimates from, indicates resilience despite the initial dip. The film’s unique narrative, combined with the star power of Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, contributes to the ongoing conversation surrounding “Fighter” and its reception among audiences.
As industry insiders and cinephiles closely monitor the box office updates for “Fighter,” the film’s performance after the surprising Monday drop has become a focal point of discussion. The resilience displayed in the face of challenges adds an element of unpredictability to the film’s journey, making it a noteworthy subject in the ever-evolving landscape of Bollywood box office dynamics.