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“Ghilli Re-Release Surpasses Rs. 10 Crore Mark, Joining Elite Club at Box Office”


Thalapathy Vijay’s blockbuster “Ghilli” has once again left its mark on the Indian box office, surpassing the coveted Rs. 10 crore milestone with its re-release. The film’s stellar performance on its first working day saw it gross approximately Rs. 1.70 crore in Tamil Nadu alone, representing a mere 50 per cent drop from its Sunday collections.

"Ghilli Re-Release Surpasses Rs. 10 Crore Mark, Joining Elite Club at Box Office"

Within just three days, the re-release of “Ghilli” has amassed a total gross of over Rs. 10.25 crore nationwide, firmly establishing its place alongside cinematic giants like Titanic 3D (2012), Sholay 3D (2013), and Avatar (2023), all of which achieved similar success with re-releases in this century.

The remarkable hold exhibited by “Ghilli” on its first Monday underscores its enduring popularity and appeal among audiences. Its swift ascent to the Rs. 10 crore club within such a short span of time is a testament to the enduring legacy of the film and the unparalleled stardom of Thalapathy Vijay.

As “Ghilli” continues to rewrite box office records with its re-release, it stands as a shining example of the timeless magic of Indian cinema and the unwavering devotion of its fanbase.