Even weeks after its release on Netflix, Imtiaz Ali’s biopic “Amar Singh Chamkila” continues to stir conversations on social media platforms. Garnering praise from both critics and audiences alike, the film has also earned the approval of Chamkila’s family members. Notably, during a special screening in Mumbai, the late musician’s kin, including his son Jaiman and first wife Gurmail, graced the event.
In an exclusive interview with News18 Showsha, Imtiaz Ali discloses his role in bringing together both sides of the family following the screening. “Amarjot and Gurmail’s families were present, each trying to take pictures with me separately. However, I insisted they take a picture together. Jaiman affectionately refers to Gurmail as ‘mummy ji.’ Life presents challenges, but when families can come together, it’s always a positive outcome,” he shares.
Reflecting on Gurmail’s reaction to the film depicting her late husband and his second wife, Imtiaz reveals, “After watching the film alongside her daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren, Gurmail expressed her admiration. She embraced me and shed tears of appreciation. It was an emotional moment for all of us, and her feedback was incredibly uplifting.”