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“It hurt”Courteney Cox on being the only lead Friends cast member to not get an Emmy nomination


After the recently released Friends: The Reunion, Courteney Cox and her co-stars Lisa Kudrow and Jennifer Aniston appeared on The Howard Stern show. The trio spoke about their journey on Friends as well as their friendship off-screen. Stern also addressed Courteney’s feelings on being missed out on getting an Emmy nomination for Friends.

Cox admitted that she felt hurt about being the only lead cast member of the show to not receive an Emmy nomination, she said “Sure. Yeah, it always hurt my feelings. When every single cast member was nominated but me, it definitely hurt my feelings. I was happy for everybody, and then when it was finally like, ‘Oh, I’m the only one?’ It hurt.”

Lisa Kudrow, Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston are really good friends off the sets too.

However Cox also recalled getting a Golden Globe nomination for the first season of her show Cougar Town. She revealed that it made her “feel good” as she said, “And then the only thing that made me feel good — because they’ve all won and they’ve gotten so many accolades — I got nominated for Cougar Town the first year — a Golden Globe. And I want to say, ‘Oh, who cares?’ It meant everything to me.”

While she didn’t receive a nomination for the Emmys, the actress said that she always hoped for her co-stars to win. Courteney also agreed that she’s to this day excited about what Aniston and Kudrow star in and stated that she’s in complete “awe” of their talents.