Following her controversial statement likening herself to Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan, Kangana Ranaut has stood firm, doubling down on her remarks and taking aim at other industry figures, including the Khans and Kapoors.
Amidst a campaign rally in the Mandi Lok Sabha constituency of Himachal Pradesh, where she is a candidate for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Ranaut asserted her unique position in the film fraternity. She claimed to receive unparalleled love and respect across the nation, regardless of her whereabouts, asserting, “I can confidently say that after Amitabh Bachchan, if anyone gets such love and respect in the industry, it is me.”
Ranaut’s remarks have stirred intense reactions on social media, with many expressing disbelief and criticism. Nevertheless, the actor remains resolute in her comparison to Bachchan, highlighting her perceived stature within the industry.
Her statements not only reaffirm her bold stance but also ignite discussions about the hierarchy and dynamics within Bollywood, particularly concerning the influence and recognition of its prominent figures.