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“Maidaan Box Office Report: Ajay Devgn’s Film Surges with 83% Growth, Rakes in ₹15.6 Crore in 3 Days”


Ajay Devgn’s much-awaited film “Maidaan” has seen a significant surge in its box office collections, marking an 83.3% jump on Saturday, amassing a total of ₹5.5 crore on its third day of release.

"Maidaan Box Office Report: Ajay Devgn's Film Surges with 83% Growth, Rakes in ₹15.6 Crore in 3 Days"

The movie’s journey at the box office began with a paid preview on Day 0, where it garnered ₹2.6 crore. However, this figure fell short of expectations for a Bollywood star of Devgn’s stature, particularly given the auspicious occasion of Eid. According to reports, the earnings from the preview were even lower than that of the Telugu version of “HanuMan,” starring Teja Sajja, which secured nearly ₹4.5 crore.

Despite the initial setback, “Maidaan” has shown promise with its impressive growth over the weekend, bolstering its total collections to ₹15.6 crore in just three days. As audiences continue to flock to theaters to witness the inspiring tale unfold on the big screen, the film’s box office performance is poised to soar even higher in the days to come.