Arhaan Khan, nephew of Bollywood star Salman Khan, has launched an intriguing podcast series titled “Dumb Biryani” on YouTube. The latest episode, featuring his mother Malaika Arora, promises to deliver some spicy content. In a teaser shared by Arhaan, Malaika can be seen asking her son a bold question: “When did you lose your virginity?” This unexpected query sets the tone for an engaging exchange between the mother-son duo.
Arhaan’s podcast venture has garnered attention for its candid approach, with the first episode featuring his father, Arbaaz Khan, and uncle, Sohail Khan. The teaser for the second episode hints at more lighthearted yet probing conversations.
In a playful twist, after fielding Malaika’s question, Arhaan turns the tables and asks his mother about her marriage plans. This unexpected turn adds an element of humor and intrigue to the upcoming episode, leaving viewers eager to hear Malaika’s response.
The “Dumb Biryani” podcast series appears to offer a refreshing blend of entertainment and candid discussions, making it a must-watch for fans eager to glimpse into the lives of Bollywood personalities beyond the glitz and glamour of the industry.