The cinematic spectacle “Munjya” is poised for a remarkable journey at the box office, having garnered an impressive Rs 7.25 crore on Saturday alone. The film witnessed an extraordinary surge on its second day, with a staggering 70 per cent increase in collections, defying initial discounted rates. Remarkably, even amidst the electrifying clash of the T20 World Cup 2024 match between India and Pakistan, “Munjya” experienced an astonishing 95 per cent surge in collections on Sunday.
As per Sacnilk’s projections, “Munjya” is anticipated to amass a substantial Rs 7.75 crore on its third day, propelling its opening weekend total to a commendable Rs 19 crore. The film’s stronghold in the Mumbai circuit is expected to significantly bolster its earnings, setting the stage for a triumphant theatrical run. Despite the impending releases of high-profile films such as “Chandu Champion” and “Kalki,” the resounding acclaim and audience adulation for “Munjya” could position it as a formidable contender in the market.
In the midst of the film’s resounding success, lead actress Sharvari Wagh took a moment to express gratitude to her fans for their unwavering support and appreciation of her portrayal of Bella/Munni in the film. Alongside Wagh, the ensemble cast comprising Mona Singh, Abhay Verma, and Sathyaraj, under the direction of Aditya Sarpotdar, has delivered a riveting narrative that delves into the intricacies of the mythical Munjya from the rich tapestry of Indian belief and cultural heritage. The screenplay, crafted by Yogesh Chandekar and Niren Bhatt, is complemented by the soul-stirring musical compositions of Sachin Sanghvi and Jigar Saraiya.
As “Munjya” continues to captivate audiences with its compelling storyline and stellar performances, it solidifies its position as a cinematic tour de force, poised to leave an indelible mark on the annals of Indian cinema.