The much-awaited third season of the beloved web series, Panchayat, has hit Amazon Prime, and fans are already singing its praises. Created by Chandan Kumar and directed by Deepak Kumar Mishra, Panchayat follows the journey of a young man from Delhi navigating life as a secretary in a rural Panchayat office in Uttar Pradesh. With a stellar cast including Neena Gupta, Jitendra Kumar, Raghubir Yadav, Biswapati Sarkar, Chandan Roy, and Faisal Malik, the series continues to captivate audiences with its authentic storytelling and compelling characters.
Audiences have taken to social media to express their admiration for the series, with one user highlighting how each scene beautifully captures the essence of rural India, praising Mishra’s directorial finesse and the standout performance of Faisal Malik. Another user commended TVF (The Viral Fever) for consistently delivering genuine content, applauding every aspect of the series from acting to location choices.
Viewers also appreciate the familial and light-hearted tone of the series, making it a perfect watch for the whole family. Memorable dialogues like Prahlad’s heartwarming statement, “Aaj khana hamare ghar par rahega, ghar me thodi raunak ho jayegi” resonate deeply with audiences, showcasing the simplicity and depth of the narrative.
Furthermore, the series has not shied away from humor, with viewers particularly enjoying the comedic sequences, such as the “funniest fight sequence ever” in the final episode. References to previous seasons add to the nostalgia and overall enjoyment of the show.
Panchayat has undoubtedly solidified its place as one of the most successful series on Amazon Prime, thanks to its winning combination of heartfelt storytelling, stellar performances, and relatable characters. As fans eagerly binge-watch the latest season, it’s clear that Panchayat continues to reign supreme in the realm of Indian web series.