The latest survival drama, “The Goat Life,” directed by Blessy and starring Prithviraj Sukumaran, has taken the Mollywood industry by storm. Based on the acclaimed Malayalam novel “Aadujeevitham,” the film has received widespread acclaim for Sukumaran’s remarkable performance. Breaking records with its phenomenal success, “The Goat Life” has quickly become the fastest Malayalam movie to surpass the million-dollar mark at the USA box office.
In just three days since its release, “The Goat Life” has raked in an impressive 50 crores gross worldwide. Today, it added another 15 crores gross to its collections, bringing the first weekend total to a staggering 65 crores gross. This remarkable achievement establishes a new milestone, marking the highest opening weekend collection for any Malayalam cinema to date.
The previous record-holder was Mohanlal’s “Lucifer,” coincidentally directed by Prithviraj Sukumaran himself. Produced by Jimmy Jean-Louis, who also delivered a notable performance in the film, “The Goat Life” is poised to continue its remarkable run at the box office. With strong potential to maintain its momentum throughout the weekdays, the film stands a chance to surpass the coveted 200 crores mark as well.